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Old Sun Feb 23, 2014, 09:14pm
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Originally Posted by so cal lurker View Post
At my son's game today, a player was ejected for what I believe an off-ball foul while the ball was in play (I didn't see the foul myself, but I *think* it was an off-ball hard shot that he thought he could get away with). I'm assuming it was called as a flagrant foul -- can't be a T for contact with ball in play, right? (And I didn't see a T signal on the play.)

I was surprised that the refs let any player take the FTs -- is that right in NFHS?
If they deemed it "fighting", a T could be appropriate (there's some debate). Otherwise, the fouled player should have shot.

Not the worst possible error to make.

Where was the ensuing throw in?
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