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Old Sun Feb 23, 2014, 07:32pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by sj View Post
I'm not a college official so need to understand how this is different from the year before.

According to the article they added, "A defensive player is not permitted to move into the path of an offensive player once he has started his upward motion with the ball to attempt a field goal or pass. If the defensive player is not in legal guarding position by this time, it is a blocking foul."

Based on my limited understanding of what the college guys have been told about it how is this different than what they might have called the year before. Thanks.
In prior years the defender had until the offensive player became airborne (both feet having left the floor) to obtain a legal guarding position. The new rule shifts that point to when the offensive player begins his upward movement with his hands and arms. So in NCAA men's games defenders need to get there earlier this year.
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