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Old Tue Jun 24, 2003, 07:21am
Jerry Jerry is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 286
Personally, I have low tolerance for parents, coaches, and adults in general that do not have respect for the officials and for the participants in the game. (I'm referring to youth leagues.)

About 15 years ago, early in my umpiring career, I was BU for a championship game for 9-11 year olds. I called a "balk" on the pitcher; causing the winning run to score. The coach goes nuts!

Behind the backstop, were my two sons (aged 6 and 7)who came with me to the game (I was divorced at the time; and had "daddy duty".)

Immediately after the game, I went directly there to pick up my sons. The coach comes running into the area, yelling and ranting and raving all over again; but this time he starts yelling at my sons . . . "Your father is an a***hole! I'm gonna beat the cr*p out of him!" And kept it up until several parents FINALLY got him under control . . . all the while continuing to yell and scream.

Not only was this guy the coach, he was an officer in the league. And you probably guessed it, his son was the pitcher on whom I called the balk.

Should I or would I ever toss a parent or spectator before a game? YOU BETCHA, I would! In a heartbeat.
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