Originally Posted by Rich
I was hoping you'd post as I know you work a significant amount of varsity basketball 2-person (even more than I do these days, I'm guessing, since we're working *some* of our games 3-person and I tend to seek those conferences out these days when I can). Is everything in OR still 2-person at the HS level?
Yes, our HS is 99% 2-person. Those of us who have done 3-person in college have been demo'ing 3-person (sometimes with one HS official who hasn't done much/any 3-person) in a few beginning of the season Jamborees in the hopes of getting the coaches to demand ii...and most of them do want it.
Originally Posted by Rich
One of the first things we teach officials is that angle is king, but distance is important, if only for credibility when we make a call. If I'm making a call on the far side of the court, I'd better be over there and I'd better be closing as I make a call.
Yep. And as I said, above, the farther you are from the play, the less you can adjust your position for a better angle. So, to be able to keep a good angle, you just can't be far away.