As an active umpire at the Little League thru Big League levels and a clinic instructor I hear a lot of players, coaches and parents who think they know the rule. It wasn't until I became an umpire, attended a school in southern California and got a couple hundred games under my belt that I realized how much I never knew.
Probably one of the most common misconceptions regarding the rules is one I hear very frequently. "Tie goes to the runner!"
In the umpire school we were told there is never a tie nor a close pitch. Its either a ball or a strike or the runner is safe or out.
But, my favorite way to respond to someone who says that to me is to let them figure out the answer for himself or herself. I point out that the rules dictate that in order for a runner to be safe the runner must beat the throw, or in other words touch the base before fielder touches the base with possession of the ball or tags the runner.
I then ask my new-found "rules expert" if a tie qualifies as beating the throw. They know the answer is "NO". I smile and say, "Then I guess tie doesn't go to the runner afterall."
Tie goes to the defense...always!
Larry Mires
North Snohomish Little League
Staff Umpire (#12)
Washington District 1
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