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Old Wed Feb 12, 2014, 07:38am
JetMetFan JetMetFan is offline
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
I'm actually quite shocked at how poor of a job a lot of my personal friends do in managing their basketball schedules and keeping Arbiter up-to-date.
It surprises me as well. I deal with games on Arbiter, Reftown and Presto as well as one set of games - BV - where we don't even use an assigning program. Sometimes my assigner send me an e-mail. Other times - like Monday night when I found out I had a game Tuesday afternoon - I log in to my game page on the league web site just to make sure. Never missed a game.

Some guys don't realize how much they can cost themselves by being an administrative headache for their assigners. I tell people constantly: I may not be the best official in the room but I know I'm not a problem child for the people who give me games.
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