Originally Posted by Robert E. Harrison
This is a baseball interp for this year. Would Fed allow the player to participate in basketball with beads in his/her hair?
One of the players for the visiting team has beads in his hair. The home coach complains to the plate umpire that this is jewelry and the player may not participate in the game. RULING: Hair styles are as varied as players. One is not preferred over another with regard to baseball rules. A player with cornrows is as compliant as one with a flattop. Beads that are in the cornrows are considered to be a “hair adornment,” not jewelry. High school baseball rules have not concerned themselves with players’ hair styles or adornment. The beads are legal and the player may participate.
Had an AAU game some time ago where a female was told she couldn't play because of the beads in her hair. She had it done for an upcoming wedding or something, and the mom went balistic. She had to be escorted away and my partner and I were called many names I can't repeat, to include being a racist. Not fun