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Old Fri Jan 31, 2014, 04:09pm
BatteryPowered BatteryPowered is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Arlington, TX
Posts: 270
I always cover the basic stuff...making sure we both know the floor coverage, going over double whistles, pass and crash responsibilities, trusting your partner, what to do in the event of a T, things that may be different than NFHS for our area, etc,

I also like to know/discuss things about the teams and the gym. How many clocks and their location, proximity to the spectators, unusual bench locations, if one of us has called one of the teams that season...any problems with the coach (are they typically calm or antimated), do they like to run, do they swing the ball back and forth a lot (especially for 3-man), and special players (ie. exceptionally fast, big, like to bang, No. X tends to use their hands). That is not so we can go into a game with preconcieved things, but it helps to prepare us (at least me) for the game by forcing us to think about basketball.

Now...after introductions when we are ready to move to our spots we usually shake/fist bump and say "Don't screw up."
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