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Old Fri Jan 31, 2014, 12:50pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by CountTheBasket View Post
The more I think about it, there may be no reason to even switch sides if requested, let the inbounder stand where he wants the ball and bounce it to him from where you were prepared to administer. My only worry here is out of context it could appear like the old rec ball, lazy, bounce across so you and your partner don't have to switch when in fact it is a different scenario.
The only thing the book says is "administer at the nearest spot." Since they can run, does it really matter?

And, if you switch sides because the offense wants you to switch, what do you do if the defense then complains that they had a defense set to force the ball into a specific corner?

Most places don't allow you to bounce across; and I'd never give the ball to the player in the lane extended.
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