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Old Thu Jan 30, 2014, 01:10pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP View Post
I'd offer that the try being released completes the play. Again, because B could get the rebound. If you let it go until the try was released by A, it seems unfair to take away a 2-pass fast break scoring opportunity by B if the injured A player is well out of the way of the impending fast break.
I think you have some As and Bs mixed up.

A1 is injured. B1 gets the rebound and goes to the other end. We all agree that (absent "serious" injury) the play continues so far. Now B1 releases an unsuccessful try (because I think we're all going to agree on what to do if the try is good).

Do you kill it as soon as the try is released (and go to the arrow)? As soon as someone gets the rebound (and give it back to that team)? As soon as A gets the rebound, but you'll leave it live if B gets the rebound? Something else?

FED is clear that the correct (by rule) choice is the first above.

NCAA, not so clear (to me).

And, yes, this play happened.
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