Originally Posted by CountTheBasket
I'm not sure I understand, are you saying I should've called traveling?
The travelling question was in relation to the OP, posted by BNR -- A1 pins the ball, then stands. Your play had no travelling considerations.
In the scenario I had nobody else really hit the floor for it or was making any legitimate attempts at the ball, I think that weighed into my opinion of him having the ball under his control and saying I would grant the timeout (right or wrong?). If he had the ball pinned to the floor with one hand but 3 other guys are flying in trying to pull it out, I would not grant a timeout. Does this line of thinking making sense?
It seems to me that it's either control, or it's not control (and, thus, To or no TO). It shouldn't matter whether "3 other guys are flying in trying to pull it out"