Thread: Wwyd
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Old Thu Jan 30, 2014, 12:08pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by j51969 View Post
I don't know if you’re in the minority or not. I bet the kid shooting the FT's knew what it meant. I also bet his teammates did as well. Maybe if you didn’t do anything, it would just go away. Another possibility is later in the game someone uses that as motivation for an unsporting foul, or worse. We are guilty by association as some point in our lives (home team included). By doing nothing it gives the perception your condoning it. Addressing it with the powers that be quickly and discretely is completely reasonable (IMO the right thing to do). Anything above this is a fishing expedition, and not the forum I would choose to teach tolerance. If all three of you have no idea what the reference means you must have never seen a Simpson’s episode, or live in a vacuum.
On the Simpsons, it's called a Squishee.
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