Scorekeeping Question
Couldn't find a better place for this question.
I know many of you don't care about scorekeeping, if a batted ball was a hit or an error. So stay asleep.
B. Each player’s batting and fielding record must be tabulated.
1. The first column will show the number of times at bat by each player,
but a time at bat will not be charged against the player when:
a. The player hits a sacrifice fly that scores a runner.
b. The player is awarded a base on balls.
c. (Fast Pitch) The player hits a sacrifice bunt.
d. (Fast Pitch) The player is hit by a pitched ball.
e. (Fast Pitch) The player hits a sacrifice slap hit.
NOTE: A slap hit is defined as a fake bunt followed by a controlled
swing and resulting in the runner(s) advancing, as in the case of
a sacrifice bunt.
f. The third out occurs and the batter is not entitled to run to first
EXCEPTION: Third strike foul rule in slow pitch.
If a batter reaches via catcher's obs, wouldn't that also not be counted as a time at bat?
USA & NFHS Softball