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Old Fri Jan 24, 2014, 10:09pm
chseagle chseagle is offline
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Goal crease differences & location of benches

Over the past couple of days, been watching various levels of Hockey (NHL, WHL, NCAA, USA Hockey Juniors) and noticed that in the NHL & NCAA games, the goal crease is not the normal half-circle. Why is there that difference?

Also I've noticed while watching NCAA Hockey on CBS Sports Network & NBCSN that rink layouts are not universal throughout. While watching Notre Dame, I noticed that their rink is designed where the home bench, penalty boxes, referee crease, & timekeeper bench are on one side of the rink, while the visiting team bench in on the opposite side of the rink. I also noticed the the referee crease was not located at center ice but off to the side. In another game played at Niagra University, the team benches, penalty boxes, timekeeper bench, & referee crease were all on one side of the rink.

I am curious as to why in NCAA Hockey, all rinks are not designed the same way throughout & follow NHL/WHL layouts.
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