Rule 14 Penalty Kick: Art. 4: "Once the kicker starts his/her approach toward the ball, he/she may not interrupt his/her movement. Failure to kick the ball as specified shall result in a rekick"
The literal intrepretation is the mere act of a stutter step or not a clean, smooth movement to the ball will be a rekick, regardless of the outcome, i.e. goal or no goal (keeper stops or sails over the bar or wide).
In the situations section, page 67, 14.1.4.B. "A1 taking a penalty kick, approaches the ball and then stops abruptly. He/she then kicks the ball and scores. Ruling: Retake the kick."
It is silent on if he/she makes the stutter step, then kicks the ball and does not score (keeper stops or sails over the bar or wide). Question: in this case is there still a rekick or is this kicker's turn over and marked as a miss?
Is this a modification of Law 14 from the competition you are involved in? A player who studdersteps, jukes, or self-obstructs his movements to the ball at the taking of a penalty kick is not infringing L14. However, it is widely accepted around the world that feinting at the taking of a P.K. shall not be allowed. In a normal situation when a player infringes the laws of the game at the taking of a penalty kick, the referee shall:
- allow the p.k. to proceed
- if the ball enters the goal, the kick shall be retaken
- if the ball does not enter the goal, the kick is not to be retaken and play continues.