Originally Posted by Treeguy
V34 was the closest player to the first basket.
The home team only had 7 players who played the whole game, I believe they knew what they were doing. Could I have counted the first basket, give the H team a T, then shoot 2 and give the ball to back to the V?
Why would H get a T?
V makes a free throw. Proper thrower is H, actual thrower is H.
H scores at V's basket. Proper thrower is H, actual thrower is V.
V scores and play is stopped by the referee.
The only team who has improperly taken a throw-in is V. I don't see how you get to a T for H.
You should cancel the last shot by V2 only, issue V a delay of game warning, and add time if known. If you feel V should have been aware it was not their throw-in, issue a T.