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Old Tue Jan 21, 2014, 05:41pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by APG View Post
If you're going strictly by the book, this isn't the correct way to handle this. You would grant the TO...and resume with two FT's after the TO (which is what bob was alluding into with the casebook play 5.8.3 Situation E telling us to grant the TO even though he asked for it when he shouldn't have been granted it by rule).
As posted here, the proper HS ruling is to grant and charge the time-out even though it was requested at an improper time. Both FTs will be attempted following the TO.
As for the coaching box enforcement, that depends upon how strict your local area is about it, but perhaps the coach was all the way out there because he was trying to get the official's attention for a TO and wasn't being recognized.

Lastly, I'm concerned why so many fans in your local area have the OP's number. I can see fellow officials having it, but not random fans. Did his kid play with theirs a year or so ago? Is this a super small town in the Midwest where everyone knows everyone? Is he a local school teacher? I would contend that someone isn't maintaining the proper separation from the local spectators for a higher level official.
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