Thread: Camp Feedback
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Old Wed Jun 18, 2003, 10:33pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Camron, if you look................

at the beginning of the NCAA book, both NCAA Committees are mentioned and lists the schools they are from. It is possible that there are some officials in the committee, but all are listed as representing schools. And some of them are obviously coaches like John Thompson III of Princton (Men's Head Coach) and Dave Odom of Wake Forest University (Men's Head Coach). So from all accounts on the NCAA side, they are coaches and administrators. And anyone can look this up for themselves.

Now if you claim they are all officials, where is the link or the background information on all the commitee members. Because other than you saying they are official, you said nothing about where they were from and how long they have been on the committee. No information other than you say it is that way. I just want proof or a place to look it up. I just read on the National Federation site not too long ago where a new member to the board was an administrator that had no officiating experience according to the press release.

BTW, I have heard that the NF has made all these mechanic changes, but I cannot find any information or evidence that these changes have taken place. The only change that is indicated on the site as far as I can see is the "kicking the ball" mechanic. No information about any other mechanic changes that were listed on this board by someone from Wisconsin over a month ago. I sure would like to see the link to this if it is true about birddogging.


Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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