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Old Sun Jan 19, 2014, 12:14pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
Was the ball dead? Clock stopped?
Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Yes. No.
Technical Foul. Here's a NCAA-Men's citation:

A.R. 263:

Team B leads, 67-66. A1's two-point try for goal is successful, but there is no indication that time has expired. Assuming that the successful try was a game-ending and winning goal:

(1) Bench personnel from Team A; or

(2) Fans from Team A go onto the playing court to celebrate.

RULING: When the celebration causes a delay by preventing the ball from being promptly made live or by preventing continuous play including, but not limited to the following: a) when the thrower-in is in the process of carrying the ball out of bounds for a throw-in; b) attempting the throw-in; or c) has completed the throw-in.

(1) A CLASS B technical foul shall be assessed to the head coach. The coach's technical foul does not count toward the team foul total but does count toward the coach's ejection.

(Rule 10-4.2.h and Penalty and Ejection)

(2) An administrative technical foul shall be assessed to the offending team. This technical foul does not apply to the team foul total. Any player from Team B shall attempt the two free throws and play shall resume at the point of interruption. When the celebration does not delay or interfere with play, the celebration shall be ignored.

When there is no delay in putting the ball in play or any interruption in the continuity of the game, officials should allow play to continue without penalty. When play can be stopped before the ball is at the disposal of Team B and without delaying the ball from being put in to play or interrupting the continuity of play, the official shall sound the whistle, clear the floor and resume the game without assessing any penalty.

(Rule 10-2.8.d and Penalty, and Section 10-2 Penalty)
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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