Originally posted by Coach&Blue
... He yells "Dead ball, Batter is out for hitting me with the bat." He stated to me that he has a personal rule that if he gets hit with the bat he is out. I of course protest the game. Will I win this protest? I never heard of any rule where the umpire can call a batter out for getting hit with a bat or a rule where the umpire can use his own personal rules. There was no warning, and it wasn't on purpose. The bat didn't hit him hard or anything.
You should win the protest. However, with protest committees in bush leagues, anything can and does happen. Things that should not factor into their ruling might play a big part; such as the number and quality of umpires available for the league. They may rule in favor of the umpire to in order to maintain good relations with the umpires.
An action in this situation by the umpire which cannot be protested would have been for the umpire to call time when the play was over and eject the player from the game. The ejected player is replaced on base with someone from the bench. This is an unusual ruling but it would not be protestable.