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Old Wed Jun 18, 2003, 10:55am
bluegranite bluegranite is offline
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Posts: 6
OBR 3.05

Can't speak to LL, but in Babe Ruth (which uses OBR):
"3.05 (a) The pitcher named in the batting order handed the umpire in chief, as provided in Rules 4.01 (a) and 4.01 (b), shall pitch to the first batter or any substitute batter until such batter is put out or reaches first base, unless the pitcher sustains injury or illness which, in the judgment of the umpire in chief, incapacitates him from pitching."
Assuming that the lineup has been handed to the UIC, the player listed as pitcher must complete to the first batter. If the batting order has not been given to the UIC, the defensive coach can put any player on the mound.
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