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Old Tue Jan 14, 2014, 01:57pm
stick stick is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 168

I once encountered some fans who were really letting the three of us have it, all night long. One fan made it a point to stay and wait for us to come out of the officials changing room. He was going to get his word in and be last word lucy. After hammering home to me that I was the worst official in the world amongst other descriptions (no cussing though). I then turned and told him "I didn't miss all those shots, I didn't commit all those turnovers and certainly had nothing to do with all those baskets for the other team". He then stated "that's not very professional for you to say". I then stated, "what did you expect, I'm the worst official in the world" The look on his face was priceless.
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