4 technical fouls in a row... now what ?
A1 gets a technical for unsporting behavior.
Prior to reporting and administering that technical, A2 gets a technical for using profanity in dissent of A1 getting a technical foul.
And then... still prior to the reporting and administering of those technical(s)
A-coach goes berserk and he is given a technical.
And as if it can't get any worse, after being given the technical, the A-coach screams "You f--ing refs are a bunch of f--ing morons!" Yes, actually using the "F-word". And he is given another technical and ejected.
So... we now have 4 technical fouls assessed against Team A.
Does Team-B shoot 8 technical foul shots or do the technical foul shots not stack, meaning only one set of techncial foul shot are attempted?
Outside of the fighting/flagrant assessment of multiple technical fouls for multiple teammates participating or leaving the bench, I am having a hard time finding NFHS chapter and verse that covers this.
BTW, this scenario is fiction (to me).
All I am looking for is where the NFHS Rules Book outlines the procedure and related rule application for multiple technical fouls against the same team (again, non-fighting/flagrant).
NCHSAA (Basketball, Soccer)