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Old Fri Jan 10, 2014, 09:23pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
I posted what I did because what type of foul is charged could be very important. How so?: 1. the shooter is either already determined or the offended team gets to select (usually a top FT shooter). 2. it could impact a DQ situation.
What if the player already has a T from earlier in the game? What if he gets one later?
I was simply trying to make people think, instead of just react. Btw there is NFHS rules support for charging a T here. I'll post it tomorrow if someone else doesn't.

A1 discovers she is bleeding and intentionally wipes blood on the arm of the both B4 and B5. In (a) neither the referee or umpire observes the bleeding or the action of A1; (b) U1 observes that A1 is bleeding from a cut on her arm; (c) U1 observes B4 and B5 with blood on their arm; or (d) U1 observes A1 bleeding, and observes A1's action of wiping blood on the arm of B4 and B5.

RULING: In (a), A1 must leave the game when the bleeding is discovered; (b) A1 must leave the game when bleeding is observed; (c) B4 and B5 must leave the game when blood is observed on their person; (d) A1, B4 and B5 must leave the game and, A1 is charged with a technical foul for an unsporting act. If in the judgment of U1 the actions of A1 were flagrant, A1 would be disqualified from further competition. Any player or legally entering substitute may attempt the two free throws, after which B will have the ball for a division line throw-in. In all situations, a team may call a time-out to keep a player in the game.
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