I agree with the comments listed above. Must slide rules are just asking for a lawsuit. I know there have been successful lawsuits over broken ankles in a "must slide" league. I also agree not to call the games if you know in advance of the must slide rule. But I am asking this, if you find out about a must slide rule minutes before the game can't you cover this in the pre-game? Something along the lines of "Ok coaches I understand there is a must slide rule in effect this will be my judgement and to let you know if there is not a collision then there was no need to slide. That is the way this game will be called so you all know up front and there shouldn't be any questions when a play happens." Would that work, because as you all mentioned if I enforce the must slide rule I feel that I could be liable for litigation if an injury occures. This way if the coaches have a problem with it they can take it to the league "powers that be" after the game, maybe I will not be asked back but at least I have not called a game where I am liable to get someone hurt cause "they had to slide"!!