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Old Thu Jan 09, 2014, 04:46pm
billyu2 billyu2 is offline
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
Like I said, when the discussion comes up, it almost always a 2-handed, 1-foot take off...I dunked on 10ft rims, in real games.

When you are going at full game speed, not teaching gym class , your body is going in a direction (is inertia the correct term), and then both wrists hit an object that is above your head while the bottom half is still moving full speed.

You don't have to believe me. Just watch the game (college/HS games) and notice the times a dunker grasps the rim, and what kind of dunk it is.
Oh, I believe you and I've seen many, many dunks. Some, the player needed to grasp the rim for safety and others quite unnecessary. I happen to agree with the official who called the T and as I said earlier, we had two very similar ones in a recent game, both were assessed T's and we didn't think twice about it. And... it's not "gym class" it's "physical education" and the correct word is "momemtum."
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