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Old Wed Jan 08, 2014, 09:10pm
pfan1981 pfan1981 is offline
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Posts: 174
How to correct poor coaching behavior?


I know it's a tall order with all these out of control coaches on television, but I want some input on how to deal with else irrational people. The Baylor woman's coach who ripped off her jacket a year or two ago and the Iowa men's coach pretty much going psycho the other night.

We had a coach just on us from the get go. He is known around these parts as a very difficult coach (politically correct, insert different tavern language). He as in my ear during a first half free throw about how we have to call it both ways, I replied its 8 to 8 what more do you want? I added we are working hard out here for both teams. Horn blows a while later, it's now half time. We wait for the teams to clear as he is barking across the court. We then are escorted to our locker room by the AD. He proceeds to come into our hallway with more colorful language! I told the AD that he needs to get his emotion in check.

He was better in the second half, don't know if the AD talked with him or not. His team had a clean block on a fast break and a held ball thereafter, the other coach loses his marbles and gets a T for being very animated and some choice language (no swear words, but out of line). It was a non conference game and my partner and I joked at our local tavern about whether or not we would get the call back next year. The coach that was T'd told my partner that we called a great game and that he was out of line. That was very refreshing.

You see these people at all levels. I am a realist, and know I probably will not change these crazies, but I want them to behave as well. What do you recommend to achieve this? As my previous posts have suggested, I am a sportsmanship stickler, almost to a fault at times.

Every area has "that" coach, how do you handle them?

Last edited by pfan1981; Wed Jan 08, 2014 at 09:12pm.
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