It's from a long, rambling e-mail
This is from a rambling email sent to IAABO members in which he claims as many as 66 calls a night (or one every 36 seconds) are being blown in your typical game.
Here are some of the other points in this missive:
"Substitution – substitutes are not to be admitted (beckoned-in) until the Timer sounds the HORN. The Official Scorer & Timer determine when a substitute should be admitted/beckoned-in. Don’t override the Scorer & Timer."
Yes, boys and girls. The home team, through its employed, untrained scorer, gets to decide when substitutions are allowed. So if the home book decides it's inappropriate for the high scoring visiting player who has been sitting with 4 personals to come back in with the game tied and 2 minutes left, we're supposed bow to their untrained wisdom, even though Official Scorer & Timer [sic] is never mentioned in 3-3. Neither, for that matter, is the horn. On the basis of this I presume that the Official Scorer & Timer (such as some of those who have posted here over the past couple of years) should also have sole responsibility for calling T's for not reporting.
Apparently, we just plain stink when it comes to fouls...
"*Observations find very obvious 2-3 dozen contact situations per game where Illegal contact
is ruled as being Legal (no-whistle) or Legal contact is ruled as being Illegal contact (wrongly penalized by inaccurate ruling)."
And we're not so hot on traveling either...
"*Observations find upwards of 20-30 situations per game where Legal use of the pivot foot is rule Illegal and Illegal use of the pivot foot ruled Legal. The result is a possession lost when it shouldn’t be and a possession maintained when it shouldn’t be. SERIOUS INJUSTICE!!!!!"
So, if the math is right, we're blowing 44-66 calls/nocalls every night! If we're wrong so often, maybe coaches should only be ejected on a third direct T since they are apparently correct when they take animated and profane note of our apparently non-stop mistakes.
On the bright side, there is apparently a lot of competition for "the worst reffed game ever," a stat on which I always thought I was the clubhouse leader.
Last edited by amusedofficial; Tue Jan 07, 2014 at 11:42pm.
Reason: added doses of coherence