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Old Tue Jan 07, 2014, 12:25pm
shagpal shagpal is offline
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Posts: 372
but is it OK to gawk? simply agreeing per rule doesn't mean we do so just in fact, but also appearance. as umpires, does that mean we now gotta be thespians? well, are we not in a sense?

when you click a ball when you partner calls a strike, then you quickly flip your indicator wheels to correct, you don't think that base coach can hear and figure what you are thinking? you partner bangs a call, and you stare incredulously at the play. you mitght as well have said "WTF" out loud.

the partner that interjects openly is telling everyone what he is. the one that conveys nonverbally, that is the dangerous one. that is the one is critical of your zone on every pitch. that is the one evaluating your every call and movement. that is the one crying out that he thinks he is the better umpire.

to conform in fact is required. but to do so jn appearance is what separates the "me" umpire from the "we" umpire.

so, which one are you?

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
You mean the PU shouldn't be running out to the BU telling him he screwed up?