Official Forum, Moderators, and the general attitude of some posters on the site.
Years ago, Official Forum was the premier forum for officials to come and discuss all aspects of their sports. Civility was maintained here. Participants, while not always in agreement, always showed respect to one another. Name calling was usually addressed by a moderator.
Over time, maybe it is the way of community, or maybe it is just reflecting a larger national trend, respect seemed to slowly slip away. Name calling and personal insults began. Slowly but surely, they have become the norm on here. It has now gotten to the level where many of the old timers are leaving for other venues. One friend, a while back, contacted me via email because he was so disturbed by the lack of respect being shown on here.
I suspect, that if the trends continue, participation on this forum will continue to decline, until it eventually goes the way of the old McGriff's Forum. I know myself, my participation has dropped here from checking in multiple times a day, every day, to maybe checking in a couple of times a week. (Posting even less that once a week.)
It is my wonder why these behaviors are not addressed by moderators. Why is there no protocol for us to adhere to regarding how we treat one another. Why isn't the basic Golden Rule applied here, where we are all of the same avocation? Supposedly brothers and sisters in pursuit of similar goals. Much of what happens here now is counter-productive. Perhaps, with the dawn of a New Year, it is time for all of us to consider our personal approach in how we post.
Just me thinking aloud.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.