Originally Posted by shagpal
this is a judgement call. actually, its not even his call, but nonetheless his call not for you to try to change. if he asks for help, he has to change it on his own self initated.
You've changed the argument.
I find it hard to believe you can be 100% sure this error (and there's no question there's a mistake here) is a judgement call. ESPECIALLY if this is a newer official. In fact, I suspect the BU who made this call - the actual one in the video - does not understand the rule correctly. Assuming an umpire with reasonable judgement skills, I find it MORE likely that he called this out because he misunderstands the rules than because he actually understands the rule correctly and within the framework of that rule judges the actions we see in this video as interference.
If, upon speaking with the umpire, it's judgement that caused this awful call, we live with it. And I'm not going to insert my judgement into the conversation. But given what we see on this play, I have to strongly suspect a mistaken rule interpretation - and it's imperative that we correct rule errors on the field when possible.