Wed Jan 01, 2014, 12:03am
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
Originally Posted by AremRed
I don't see this as a fight though, more as a sucker punch. Let me put it this way: if the initial "get off me" arm push by W43 resulted in no reaction by G2, would you give W43 a tech? I wouldn't. I would have a word with her and let my partners know she was on a short lease but nothing more. Now, I am fine giving W43 a tech for an action that resulted in a "fighting" re-action from G2, but I would not eject W43 because she is not actively participating in a fight.
1. Flagrant tech on G2 for the punch.
2. Unsporting tech on W43 for the initial arm thing.
3. Penalize the coaches as needed.
It's fighting by definition. But keep trying to wiggle this to fit what you want to call it.