Originally Posted by deecee
I think basketball fights are a bit different than soccer fights  . Less faking maybe  .
If things escalate I can guarantee you the "3rd man in" won't change anything.
When soccer players fight, they
fight. The flopping happens when they are playing :P
I know I was nitpicking with the belt and leaning thing but Camron asked me "exactly would you have done that the officials didn't?". I wanted to list everything I saw. Take it or leave it.
Originally Posted by Camron Rust
As deecee said, over half of those points are irrelevant, unreasonable, guesses, or just wrong. You got a 2-3 of them right however. Makes it look more like you just want to bust their chops from your armchair than have a serious commentary.
I said I didn't like a single thing the refs did, which after 10 viewings I still don't.
You asked me exactly why, and I answered. I didn't list those things until you asked, and I think that proves I'm not just out to bust chops. I listed everything I saw; if you think those thing are irrelevant or guesses, fine. I'm willing to have a "serious commentary" if you like, I think everything I listed was something I would do differently.