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Old Fri Dec 20, 2013, 01:13am
APG APG is offline
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Originally Posted by Robert Goodman View Post
Especially since outside of the NFL, the term is commonly applied in football in its ordinary meaning.

But say...has anyone here actually verified that this is a technical term now in NFL? Or are we just assuming it?
The NFL defined has defined who is considered in a defenseless posture:

Article 7: Players in a Defenseless Posture.
It is a foul if a player initiates unnecessary contact against a player who is in a defenseless posture.

(a) Players in a defenseless posture are:

(1) A player in the act of or just after throwing a pass;
(2) A receiver attempting to catch a pass; or who has completed a catch and has not had time to protect himself or has not clearly become a runner. If the receiver/runner is capable of avoiding or warding off the impending contact of an opponent, he is no longer a defenseless player;
(3) A runner already in the grasp of a tackler and whose forward progress has been stopped;
(4) A kickoff or punt returner attempting to field a kick in the air;
(5) A player on the ground;
(6) A kicker/punter during the kick or during the return (Also see Article 6(g) for additional restrictions against a kicker/punter);
(7) A quarterback at any time after a change of possession (Also see Article 8(f) for additional restrictions against a quarterback after a change of possession);
(8) A player who receives a ―blindside block when the offensive blocker is moving toward or parallel to his own end line and approaches the opponent from behind or from the side, and
(9) A player who is protected from an illegal crackback block (see Article 2);
(10) The offensive player who attempts a snap during a Field Goal attempt or a Try Kick.


Part 10 is a new rule for this year.
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Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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