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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 19, 2013, 10:12pm
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by xyrph View Post
There seems to be some question whether the defender made a movement toward the dribbler prior to contact. My thought at the game was that she had.

I have no idea whether this will help but the original video was shot at 60 frames per second. Here is a frame of the clip immediately prior to contact. It again appears to me that the defender is leaning toward the dribbler (as in moving toward the dribbler) with her shoulder and the side of her body.
Nice picture, but (as JRut would say) pictures can't tell us jack. Yeah in this picture the defender appears to be leaning toward the dribbler. However 1) leaning doesn't make one lose LGP and 2) it might look like a lean when in fact the defender is simply trying to slow down. When we are running at a fast speed and try to slow down, we naturally lean in the opposite direction of our momentum. If we didn't we would fall over a lot more often.

Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. View Post

Where in the Rules is this "in the path" of which you speak. I have peruesed the Rules Books from 1971 hence and cannot find it.
Mark, I learned this the hard way too. I insisted it was not a requirement for LGP but I was wrong. I wish the NFHS would list this among the typical requirements for LGP so we have everything in one place.
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