Originally Posted by Camron Rust
Why not....turnin "into" is synonymous with moving towards. Hard to imagine it means anything else.
I do not have a problem with you and I not agreeing on whether this is a "block" or a "charge" because I know that we are on the same page with regard to the definition of guarding and how the definition is to be applied, and we each have made a decision as to whether LGP had been obtained/established or not.
But I am going to use your post about "turning into" as synonymous with "moving towards" to make a point. I do not think that "turning into" or "moving towards" are the best phrases to describe the play we are discussing.
The orientation of B1's body with relation to A1 is not important whether one believes B1 has obtained a LGP or has not obtained a LGP.
If the official judges B1 has obtained a LGP and has been moving to maintain it, the only thing that the official must determine is whether or not if B1 is "moving obliquely into" A1 at the moment of contact between the two players. If the answer is no, then we have a charge, and if the answer is yes, then we have a block.
MTD, Sr.