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Old Tue Dec 17, 2013, 06:59pm
Rich1 Rich1 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 276
I also had the chance to work with my son in the local youth basketball league. The advice I have for you is the same I would give any new ref -- keep studying the rules, watch other refs when you can, ask lots.of questions, blow your whistle loud, and project confidence everytime you make a call. Sure, many of the adults will question you, but they will question you less the more you appear to have no doubts when you make a call. I would also suggest, if its possible, that you get paired with more senior refs when you can just to help you learn during the first year and to have that backup mentioned in an earlier post.

By the way, one of my favorite moments as a ref was watching my son toss a coach. Not because he tossed him but because , as a 16 year old, he had the poise and guts to do it. The guy had been riding us the whole game and I T'd him just before half time. During the third quarter he objected to a non-call, threw down his clip board and yelled at my son, daring him to do it. I watched from all the way down the court as he blew the whistle, signaled the T, and then pointed to the door. Its funny that the next two years that guy was one if the best coaches we encountered after that.
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