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Old Tue Dec 17, 2013, 04:52pm
Nikki Nikki is offline
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Originally Posted by Toren View Post
I like your dad's advice.

"Have fun"...sometimes we can overthink these things and anticipate problems that don't come to fruition. So deal with issues as they happen, I wouldn't plant the seed of what might happen.
Well it did get me where I am today

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I think everything Bob said was good solid advice except for the first part. I see a kid his age getting sometimes more crap because he is very young. I can see coaches and fans acting like he is not knowledgable about the rules or the game. That does not mean that is true or that he cannot become knowledgable or do his job well. Unfortunately that seems to be the main thing I would be concerned with because people bring all their prejudices and sometimes bigotry to the table when they deal with us. It is much more than our uniform they yell at sometimes. I think it is good you work with him and you can protect him in ways others would not be willing to do in some situations. I think he will be fine and it sounds like you have the right idea. Just watch him and do not push him so that he does not find a love or if he chooses not to officiate he does so for the right reasons. Good luck with this, and keep us informed. I would like to know what kinds of things he deals with and how he succeeds in the future.

I think you are correct to some extent...I think that people have a predisposed "hate" for the uniform, but also bring their own prejudices and's a double whammy sometimes. I am not pushing this on him, it was his decision (that I am very happy and proud that he made). My daughter tried her hand at officiating once and walked off after the first game saying "never again" we'll see.

Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
1) Blow your whistle and raise your hand. Loudly. Wait. Wait some more. Then signal.

Tell him that the role of the official is much like (insert favourite play-by-play announcer) -- you see what is happening and then tell people what it is.
That's a great analogy that I will definitely share with him.

I think he will be fine and I actually think he will do very well. I truly appreciate all the advice.
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