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Old Tue Dec 17, 2013, 04:32pm
Nikki Nikki is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Maybe for us to help you, it might be better to state what kind of advice you are looking for. Not many officials are that young and many kids are not thinking about officiating anything at that age. The best thing he can do is to learn the rules and learn the mechanics the best way he can. I have no idea how they would deal with coaches who are most likely adults and way older. But is there something he is struggling with or does not feel confident about? If we know that kind of stuff it might help give him specific information. But it is unusual for a kid that young to be doing this. I just know he has something to shoot for and will be more advance than most of us in 10 years if he stays at it.

I guess I'm struggling with the same thing you are asking. I don't know where to start. He's a pretty confident kid and has seen me officiate hundreds, maybe thousands of games from grade school to college. I don't think he is actually struggling with anything in particular. I will try to work most of his games with him, so that should help. I just want to prepare him without overwhelming him. I remember the first time I went to a NCAAW camp - i had never worked 3 man- it was overwhelming, but I had great clinicians who helped me work on 1 thing at a time. Since he's never stepped foot on the floor before I'm struggling with where to start.
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