Change #1: I would re-write (NFHS and NCAA) the Free Throw Violation Rule. I would turn back the clock 20 years which would simplify the rule considerably. Forget whether the violators in one of the Lane spaces or not or is the Free Throw Shooter. There would be only four combinations of violations: (1) Violation by the Non-Shooting Team. (2) Violation by the Shooting Team. (3) Violation by the Non-Shooting Team followed by a violation by the Shooting Team. (4) Violations by both the Non-Shooting Team and the Shooting Team at the same time. If (3) or (4) occurred during the last Free Throw play would resume with a Jump Ball (See Change #7 below.) at the nearest Free Throw Circle by any two Players.
Change #2: I would re-write both the NFHS and the NCAA (especially the NCAA) Technical Foul Rule. The TF Rule needs to be simplified as they have become to complicated to try to officiate minutia. Many of the situations that have been added to the Rules Books would have been handled the minutia that is cluttering the Rules. This minutia has been added because Officials do not use logic in handling situations that fall under the TF Rules.
Change #3: The nonsense with regard to the NFHS and NCAA Comments on the Rules concerning the swinging of the elbows can not be supported by the Rules. The Rules does not need to be changed, we need to do a better job of educating officials as to how to apply the Rules with regard to the swinging of elbows.
Change #4: Eliminate the Three-Second Rule (both NFHS and NCAA).
Change #5: Closely guarded (three feet, not six feet) while only holding the ball and only in the Frontcourt (NFHS, NCAA, and FIBA).
Change #6: I officiated women's college basketball from 1974 to 2008, and men's college and FIBA from 1993 to 2008, so I have officiated my share of games involving a Shot Clock but I really do not like it even in the NBA/WNBA. Just a personal quirk of mine.
Change #7 (This one is for BillyMac,

.): Do away with Alternating Possession (NFHS, NCAA, NBA/WNBA, and FIBA). It is an abomination upon the game.
I will go back to my nap during the Steelers game now.
MTD, Sr.