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Old Tue Dec 19, 2000, 08:28am
galenm galenm is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 8

these players just get more creative all the time, don't they; it's amazing to me how intricately they can assess and interpret the rules to find ways of "getting around them" but they can't remember the very basics when it comes time for you to enforce a call against them [I didn't know I couldn't run into the keeper"]

I would agree with rapmaster on the unsporting call; you may incur the wrath of Coach A, but it IS your decision as to what constitutes "unsportsmanlike"; from a coaching perspective, I would remind my players [Team B] that while Team A has latitude [temporary partial suspension of obstruction due to playing distance] so does Team B [temporary partial suspension of charging from behind] and as an official, I would most likely expand the latitude I would award to Team B in this situation

tricky little so-and-so's; amazing
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