Originally Posted by ballgame99
Somebody has to take control of the crew during the game. As described, the two of you with experience should have gotten your heads together early and agreed to carry the new guy's water. But after the game, talk to the coach and tell him you share his concerns and let him know it will be addressed. And then address it. Make sure your association doesn't drop a guy in a varsity setting never having done 3 man before, and let your assigner know this newbie is not ready for primetime.
Its either that, or have the newb fake an injury so you can close out the second half 2-man! 
I would never talk to the coach after the game to tell him this. If he insists, refer him to the AD. Refer the AD to the assigner. Get on the phone as soon as you're in the car and call your assigner.
If the AD did the scheduling, let him deal with the coach. If the AD scheduled one of you and that guy brought in the other two, then it is a learning experience. There's no reason a varsity games should have three officials with a total of 27 varsity games of experience. It's really two rookies and a second year guy, experience-wise.