Originally Posted by Rich
Hey, thanks for proving my theory. You realize this isn't a forum to come and bitch about pro officials missing calls, right?
It's not like I'm complaining about every little thing. Or any little thing, really. The only threads I've started have been about huge errors. I only posted that link in here because it was the same referee the very next week, making it somewhat relevant here.
I'm not here mindlessly bashing. I'm commenting on plays as I see them from a non-official's point of view, and I'm getting an official's point of view in response. That's why I post here. Obviously the people on this forum are going to have a better understanding of why things are called the way they are, or the rules that come into play in certain situations, than some idiot on a fan forum or ESPN comment page.
I'm not sure what the problem is with saying a call is wrong when it's wrong. Is there a reason I can't offer my opinion on a play when bringing it up for discussion?