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Old Sat Dec 07, 2013, 10:17am
JetMetFan JetMetFan is offline
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Originally Posted by Sharpshooternes View Post
Doing a little preseason tournament JV men's side. Just tons and tons of fouls. Double bonus by the third quarter. At least 3 fouled out. And foul count was probably 50. They just would not stop it. We let a bunch go, but it never got out of hand it. It was a twenty point blow out so not that bad score wise. Losing coach got irate when I had to call a DOG after a warning. First one, defender but not the one guarding the thrower inner steps a good foot over the line. Second, A1 is standing a ways from the line and then makes a pass toward the court except B1's hand is through the plane and contacts the ball.

Other thing he got upset about was his player was making a drive to the baker on transition has 3 defenders around the one in front has LGP easily and jumps to block the shot, straight up. Ball handler collides into the defender which I no call because he didn't really displace him. Coach complains that there "was a lot of contact on that play" "if anything it was a charge coach" "but he didn't even keep his feet" "coach the defender can jump or move any direction as long as it isn't into the ball handler. He doesn't have to be planted" He looked at me incredulously. "That's the worst explanation I have ever heard." The coach was lucky not to by a cup 'o T. I debated whacking him once when he said, "even your partner thinks your terrible." What do you think? Did that comment deserve a technical. I think it fits in the personal category now but meh, I am content either way on this one.
Not to pile on but yeah, you bonked on the second throw-in situation (NFHS 9-2-10 – I’m assuming it was HS since you said 3rd quarter).

As for the conversation with the HC, that was way too much dialogue especially in a situation where he’s getting his rear end handed to him and is probably looking for a way to complain. First and foremost, he didn’t ask a question he made a statement. Leave that alone. If he eventually asks a reasonable question just say, “Coach, the defender had legal guarding position” and move on. If it somehow gets to the “even your partner thinks you’re terrible” line, whack him.
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