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Old Fri Dec 06, 2013, 06:07am
Sharpshooternes Sharpshooternes is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 966
False double foul?

Got thinking about a scenario and wasn't sure what the ruling was.
A1 and B1 are physical in the paint. A1 grabs B1's arm for a hold and then B1 shoves him away and knocks him to the ground (or any other act that makes it more than a common foul. As the official you are going to have two fouls, one on each. The first is common, the second is what??? intentional because they play had not been blown dead, technical because the play was actually dead after the first foul but the whistle hadn't yet sounded. O rdo you just do a double personal foul.

How is this administered?
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