Originally Posted by zm1283
We get together and I tell him we are going with my foul since the play was in my area.
Assuming that this was a double whistle, this is how the conversation would go between me, and my partner:
Me: I saw your travel, but he traveled because he got fouled first.
Partner: OK. The foul came first. Go report your foul.
Me: What did you have, because I've got a foul?
Partner: I saw him travel right before he got clobbered.
Me. OK. The travel came first. Go ahead and signal your travel violation.
If we can't acknowledge the other official's call, or if we can't decide which call came first, then we're discussing who had the best look, which would probably be the official who had the play occur in his primary coverage area.
That's the way we handle double whistles here in my little corner of Connecticut, but, as usual, when in Rome ...