Originally Posted by Rich
Needing a quick mental break, I scanned through your 100+ posts. Over 90 of them have to do with perceived errors made by professional or other high level officials.
Do you have any other purpose here? I'm sincerely curious. Do you officiate at all?
To followup:
The discussions that I participate in are ones that are of interest to me. I always like to get an officials perspective on things, especially if it's a sport I don't officiate myself.
I umpire baseball over the summer and just recently started doing in-season high school ball. I spend a lot of time reading on here and on Umpire Empire, among other sites, in an effort to better myself as an official and better my understanding of the game as a whole.
I don't officiate football, and I have no plans to officiate football, but I do still have an interest in rules and an official's perspective as to why things happen the way that they do. There have been calls I've disagreed with that, when explained from an official's point of view, made sense.
I realize the the bulk of my posts are in threads about officiating controversies, but I do read the other threads. I'm not going to post if I don't have anything to add to the discussion. I don't think I've been unreasonable, with maybe an exception early on in the WI-ASU thread. I'm certainly not on here to mindlessly bash officials.