Originally posted by Jim Porter
Local MSBL's decide on their own such things as mercy rules, slide rules, and even substitutions and batting orders. It varies widely all over the country. We host some fairly good sized tournaments here, and we get guys from all over, and I've talked to many about their rules and how they differ from ours.
For example, our mercy rule is 12 runs after 7 innings. Barring any other circumstance, the least a lop-sided game can go is 6-1/2. However, our MSBL is also a wooden bat league. Since the switch from aluminum three years ago, the games are far more competitive and last only a couple of hours, as opposed to the sometimes 3-1/2 hour debacles they sometimes were.
We're paid by mail. The check sometimes doesn't arrive for a couple of weeks. But I've been working with that MSBL for years, and I know just about everyone involved in running the league.
You have to have some bucks to play in our MSBL, not only because the wooden bats are $60 - $70 apiece and break often, but the fields they play on are some of the best in our area and cost a pretty penny to use. Heck, they've got a fund going right now to buy lights for the field at Rhode Island College, so they can gain exclusive use of that facility. We have lawyers and doctors and executives and company owners and local newsmen and even ex-pro's.
[Edited by Jim Porter on Jun 12th, 2003 at 02:11 PM]
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The league I worked a few years ago had Mark Eicorn(Blue Jays) playing, got to see his "stuff" the one time I saw him pitch, mostly played SS. You are right about the big bucks to play, our local guys use the high school fields and spring a deal to upkeep the fields and such for usage. I can only wish it were wood bat!!!