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Old Sun Dec 01, 2013, 12:48pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
1:50 of the second half. Somebody want to tell me he had not "completed the gather" before he lifted the pivot (right foot) and returned it to the floor. 360 spin that starts with one or both feet on the floor, and ends with both feet on the floor 5 feet away. I don't have to see the play. It's impossible to do this without traveling.
All he had to do was release the pass before the right foot returned to the floor and it would've been perfectly legal. And that's the rub -- you have to know the right's the pivot and have to see it come back to the floor.

I call it when I see it. But I have to know which foot is the pivot foot (as always) and have to see it come back to the floor. I've heard other officials say, "that spin move is a travel 100% of the time, so I just call it" and that's the justification. That's worse than missing the travel, IMO.
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