Originally Posted by golfdesigner
Here's a question, NFHS rules
Pre-game officiating crew is asked to approve 4 game balls because coach wants to change the ball on every play. Considering the weather is absolutely perfect for football, and they're playing on a synthetic surface.
How is this dealt with? Please include rules support or case situations to support your position or opinion.
Comments seem to lead one to believe this will be a more frequent request in the next few years.
Thanks, & I hope all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday.
Look at 1-3-2 (and the case plays 1.3.2 Situations A through D). A team doesn't get to decide when to change footballs in conditions you speak of. Ball mechanics and the changing of the football is at the prerogative of the officials, EXCEPT for a new series of downs or for a try when B scores a TD.
To this day, teams still try to use a "kicking ball." That's fine for kickoffs if the ball meets the legal requirements (and that includes inflation pressure -- and my crew checks that, too), but we had a punter a few years ago who wanted to bring a new ball in to punt with and I told the coach "only if it was the ball that was used on third down."
I know for a fact that I wouldn't tolerate having my wings be ball boys on every play. It would affect the pace of the game and would affect the efficacy of my wing officials. And better yet, I have rules support to deny the request.